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The Change Capacity of Organisations: General Assessment and Five Configurations

The Change Capacity of Organisations: General Assessment and Five Configurations

Realizing major organisational change and innovation is a complex process and many organisations do not obtain the outcomes they desire. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors hinder or contribute to far-reaching change. These fac… lees meer »
Het verandervermogen van organisaties

Het verandervermogen van organisaties

Ingrijpende organisatieveranderingen zijn vaak complex en veel organisaties slagen er niet in de uitkomsten te behalen die zij nastreven. Het in kaart brengen van het veranderingsvermogen van organisaties en op grond daarvan plegen van interventies … lees meer »
Omgaan met 'gedoe' in actieonderzoek

Omgaan met 'gedoe' in actieonderzoek

Actieonderzoek is een mooi alternatief voor onderzoekende adviseurs of adviserende onderzoekers die niet alleen organisatievraagstukken willen analyseren, maar ook willen bijdragen aan leren en verbetering. Ondanks de aantrekkingskracht van dez… lees meer »
Understanding failure to change: a pluralistic approach and five patterns

Understanding failure to change: a pluralistic approach and five patterns

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand failure to change by examining patterns of coherent structure and agency characteristics in changing organizations in specific sectors and to provide specific recommendations for intervention in th… lees meer »
Action research as a method for improving the effectivity of change processes and stimulating learning in organizations: a case study

Action research as a method for improving the effectivity of change processes and stimulating learning in organizations: a case study

The central question in this article is how the use of a survey feedback methodology in action research can improve organizational change and enable all organization members involved to learn to change more effectively. Action research is based on t… lees meer »
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